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1 min read

If You’re Thinking About Solar, Read This First!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: solar is looking good. With residential solar installations reaching an all-time high, solar efficiency has continued to develop to exciting capabilities, and utility energy prices haven’t stopped rising. It’s only natural that more and more people are thinking about solar, especially with all the positive attention the resource has been getting. 


Solar Has Never Been Cheaper

Solar prices have become so competitive, in fact, that it’s now a mainstream energy option for homeowners. The selling points are endless: you save money while saving the planet. Who wouldn’t feel good about that? Plus, the government tax incentives make going solar that much more appealing.




Panel costs are down 75% in less than a decade and their efficiency is up, making solar energy much less expensive and much more valuable than it’s ever been in history! Solar is no longer just for the extremely rich or the extremely environmentally-conscious. It’s for everyone.


The Cost of Electricity Won’t Stop Rising

It’s no secret that energy prices have steadily been increasing for decades. Unfortunately for those still using the power grid, it’s safe to say that those prices won’t stop rising. Indeed, FPL recently announced its intent to raise prices by 23.7 percent. Why pay utility companies a penny more than you have to?



Plus, there’s some great federal tax credits you can take advantage of. The solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), for instance, is currently a 30 percent federal tax credit claimed against the tax liability of residential and commercial investors in solar energy property. It doesn’t expire until 2023. The U.S. government also supports several property and sales tax exemptions with the purchase of a solar system.


So solar clearly makes sense.  But before moving forward, make sure you do your due diligence to partner up with a reputable and efficient contractor that can ensure you have a quality system. Read about finding a quality contractor, or call us at 407.331.9077 to learn more today!

