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2 min read

5 Tips to Save Energy This Summer


Every Floridian knows that our sunny state doesn’t really have spring. Instead, we get extremely hot and humid summers, usually lasting between May and September. While this is great for going to the beach, it can be a little exhausting the rest of the time, not to mention the strain it puts on your A/C and, subsequently, your energy bill. Here are a few tips that’ll help you save energy and money while trying to keep your home cool.  

1. Operate Your Thermostat Efficiently 

Set your thermostat to a temperature that is as high as comfortably possible. The average recommended temperature is 78℉ (26℃) but the smaller the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall bill will be. 

When you turn on your air conditioner, avoid setting the temperature to a colder than normal setting. It won’t cool your home any faster and could cause excessive cooling (i.e. unnecessary spending). 

When you leave the house, raise the thermostat temperature. By keeping your house warmer than normal while you’re away, you’ll save loads on your energy bill. Of course, you could always turn the air off completely, but be aware that a hot and humid climate is a breeding ground for mold.


2. Lower Your Water Heating Costs




You’ve all heard to take short showers and avoid baths. But seriously, water heating accounts for up to 30% of the energy consumed in your home. If you can bear to cut down on bath time, your energy bill will thank you.

Invest in a solar water heater. Instead of buying energy, you’ll be able to get it free from the sun. And just think of all the hot water you could have in the winter.



3. Efficiently Run Your Cooling System

Avoid placing lamps, TV sets, or other heat-emitting appliances near your thermostat. The thermostat will sense heat from these items, causing your air conditioner to run longer than necessary.

Vacuum registers regularly to keep dust from building up and make sure your furniture does not block any registers. By ensuring that the highest amount of air can flow through your registers, your air conditioner won’t have to run excessively. 


4. Use Your Fans Strategically


Turn off fans when you leave the room. By moving the air around, fans create a wind chill effect, increasing the rate of heat loss on your skin. So while the air “feels” colder when a fan is on, it’s not actually cooling the room. Remember: fans cool people, not rooms.

When you shower or take a bath, use the bathroom fan to remove the heat and humidity from your home. You might also want to invest in some laundry room ventilation.

Find solar-powered and more efficient fans that will better ventilate and cool your home. With a solar fan, you won’t need to spend any money ventilating your house. 


5. Look into Alternative Energy Sources

Solar panels are an easy and alternative solution to dealing with the rising energy rates that take place during the summertime. Although investing in a solar system might seem scary, solar power really does pay for itself. You’ll never have to pay another energy bill again and if your household produces more energy than you can use, some utility companies will even pay you for that extra energy. 

Talk to one of Superior Solar's energy specialists today about saving energy and money by going solar today. 



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