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3 min read

Top 6 Energy Saving Solutions to Implement in Your Home

If you’re like most homeowners in today’s tough economy, you’re looking for ways to cut down the constant rising cost of living. Of course, saving on water and natural gas can cut down your bills by a few dollars each month, but the real financial break comes through properly implementing bigger energy saving solutions in your home. Keeping your energy bills down every month can save you thousands of dollars in home costs every year and even add to the value of your home. By following these tips, you too can reduce your energy bills.

1. Nest

Did you know that half of your home’s energy is controlled by your thermostat? That’s a huge chunk of your energy bill waiting to be reduced by Nest, a smart programmable thermostat designed for you home. After purchasing Nest, simply change the temperature for a few days and after that, Nest Sense™ will learn your home and habits and start implementing energy saving features. With this functionality, you can save about 20% on your cooling and heating bills month after month.

2. Belkin WeMo Insight Switch

This small device packs a big energy saving punch for nearly every device in your home. The WeMo Insight Switch connects your home appliances and electronic devices to your Wi-Fi network, allowing you to turn any of your connected home devices on or off  — from anywhere. This smart switch can also set schedules, monitor energy usage and find out which devices are used most often and consuming the most amount of energy. With these scheduling and monitoring features you can optimize your home energy use and keep your energy bills low.

3. Evolve Showerheads

The new energy efficient Evolve showerhead was created with “ShowerStart” technology that helps homeowners save money without changing their shower habits or lowering water pressure. The Evolve Roadrunner II conserves water while your shower is still warming and reaches 95 degrees, then allows you to flip the switch to resume regular flow. On average, this technology can save you $250 in utility bills and 8,212 gallons of water per year. For a $25 purchase price, we’d say that’s well worth it.


4. Solar Electricity for the Home

While all of these are great energy saving options, harnessing the power of solar is one of the most significant ways to implement energy saving solutions long-term. Powering your home through solar panels will cut your energy bills in half, if not more and prevent reliance on the ever-rising costs on electricity.

The first place to start converting your home into an environment-friendly, money-saving house, is by making solar electricity your main power source. The experts at Superior Solar are masters at providing the proper setup of solar panels to make a building as efficient at producing solar energy as possible. Choosing solar panels to power your home is an easy decision to make:

  • Heliocol solar panels are built to last for decades

  • Solar panels are environmentally-friendly and help you do your part in going green

  • Solar panels provide a huge return on investment by lowering energy bills every year

  • Solar systems qualify for a thirty percent Renewable Energy Tax Credit (*Ending in 2016.)

5. Solar Pool Heating System

The next step in the energy saving solutions process is to switch to solar heated pools. Heating your pool with solar energy is by far the most cost-effective and efficient way to heat your pool year-round. You can save hundreds, if not thousands, each year by switching to solar pool heating. Payback on these systems is usually between 1 to 3 years.

6. Solar Hot Water

Choosing the solar path for heating the water in your home will also save you another bundle. Of the 1.5 million homes and businesses who have switched their hot water systems to solar, many save up to 90% on water heating costs. With savings this large, most systems pay for themselves within 3 to 10 years. Even at 10 years, that’s comparable to a 10% return on investment.

Other Small Energy Saving Tips

Of course, there are also the typical energy saving tips that many homeowners incorporate a little at a time, most of which involve replacing old pieces of the home with newer, more energy-efficient parts.

  • Replacing insulation

  • Replacing siding

  • Replacing windows

  • Using energy-efficient light bulbs

  • Replacing old appliances

  • Using higher quality air filters

  • Using more efficient fireplace draft covers

With home energy costs on the rise, each one of the steps can help lower your energy bills; however, if you really are interested in lowering your energy costs by thousands of dollars every year, then you need to start harnessing the power of solar energy! Contact Superior Solar to learn more and get a free quote today.